Pleasing His Perfect Curvy Girl

Pleasing His Perfect Curvy Girl Bailey Rock


Pleasing His Perfect Curvy Girl (Sweet Curves #2)

An Alpha Male Insta-Love Younger Woman Romance

A Sexy Older Hero and Curvy Girl Love
Sexy, steamy, and sure to please, this love story about an older Alpha claiming and protecting his younger curvy girl is sizzling and a great instant-love read.

I’ve never had a man take care of me.
My parents died when I was young and I’ve always been on my own.
When Logan shows up wanting to protect me I’m not sure if I can let him in.

Living by myself after a brutal breakup is exactly what I need.
But when I see the sexy guy down the hall, I can’t help but imagine having him in my life.
There’s just no way that he could fall for a girl like me.
He claims that he’s in love with me, but I think he’s hiding something.
I’m not sure that I can love him until I know what’s in his past –
And then I have to forgive him first.

When I spot a curvy girl down the hall from my sister’s apartment I know that she’s perfect for me.
As soon as I see her, I can’t wait to get my hands on her.
There’s only one big problem –
I know something about our past that she doesn’t.
I did something that she may not be able to forgive.
No matter what, though, I’m not going to stop until she’s mine.

A Sexy Older Hero and Curvy Girl Love
Sexy, steamy, and sure to please, this love story about an older Alpha claiming and protecting his younger curvy girl is sizzling and a great instant-love read! Designed to be a standalone story so you can read the series in any order, this book is full of instalove and smoldering scenes without any cheating. Enjoy this steamy love story with a great HEA. A gorgeous plus-size lady and her sexy Alpha are destined to an incredible life together…

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Pleasing His Perfect Curvy Girl


(2) ver mais
Loving His Perfect Curvy Girl
Devoted to His Perfect Curvy Girl


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26/02/2020 14:15:32

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