Point of Beginning

Point of Beginning Gale Stanley


Point of Beginning

The Gentlemen's Club #1

This edition is no longer available. Author plans to release a new edition soon.

Point of Beginning, The Gentlemen’s Club 1
Jack Monroe is bi-curious but after he falls for a certain curly-haired surveyor, he' ready to admit he's gay. Too bad Alex James is straight and has a girlfriend who keeps him on a short leash.

When Jack has a chance to act out his fantasy at The Gentlemen's Club with an Alex lookalike, he grabs it. But is Jack setting himself up for deep disappointment or will he figure out that there is no perfect romance until you create it.

Some Like it Rough, The Gentlemen’s Club 2
Julian Decker grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, in an inner city neighborhood with a reputation for violence and crime. He leaves his old life behind when he gets a lucrative job at the exclusive Gentlemen's Club. When he spots wealthy member, Richard Caldwell, it's lust at first sight. The older man is way out of his league and doesn't even know he exists. But Julian is used to going after what he wants and when an opportunity arises he makes his move.

As part-owner of the Gentlemen's Club, well-respected attorney, Richard Caldwell, has the means to make all his dreams come true. But Richard' dreams died five years ago when he lost his long-time partner to cancer. He's never been able to move on and he's resigned to living the rest of his life alone. Then on one of his rare visits to the Club, a seductive new employee catches his eye and makes him an offer he can't refuse. For the first time in years, Richard is attracted to another man and he responds to the strong chemistry between him and Julian. But before the budding relationship can get started, Richard is attacked and all the evidence points to his new lover.

Edições (2)

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Point of Beginning
Point of Beginning



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02/12/2013 17:04:49

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