Pretending to Wed

Pretending to Wed Melissa Jagears


Pretending to Wed (Frontier Vows #2)

It’s a match made in heaven, as long as they don’t fall in love!

The ranch Nolan Key has spent decades working for, even lost a leg for, is now his—or at least it should be. But an absurd clause in his father’s will means he’s in danger of losing the place to his lazy, undeserving cousin. Nolan finds himself scrambling to save his home—by proposing marriage to the town laundress.

Corinne Stillwater’s hands have betrayed her. Numb from hours of doing the same work over and over, her hands will only heal, according to the town doctor, if she gives up the laundry and marries. But she’s been stung repeatedly by love before, so that is one remedy she can’t swallow.

When Nolan offers Corinne a marriage in name only, how can she refuse? Such a partnership could give them the security they seek, but what if the ranch isn't as secure as they believe, and their lives—and dreams—aren't quite as compatible as they thought?

Pretending to Wed is the second book in the Frontier Vows Series by award-winning Christian romance author Melissa Jagears. If you like marriage-of-convenience stories that deal with the nitty-gritty of making a relationship work, you’ll love this authentic romance set in a time gone by that tackles issues still relevant for today.

Religião e Espiritualidade / Romance

Edições (1)

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Pretending to Wed


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Resenhas para Pretending to Wed (1)

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Tinha tudo para dar certo...
on 17/11/22

Esse livro foi uma mistura de momentos bons e ruins. No início eu estava tentando passar pelas partes chatas, mas assim que eles se casaram eu acabei me apaixonando pelos personagens principais e não conseguia parar de ler. Mas por volta do final, eu comecei a detestar todas as decisões dos personagens e queria quase lançar o livro na parede.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
17/11/2022 21:56:34
editou em:
17/11/2022 21:57:25

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