Problem Child

Problem Child Heather Long


Problem Child (Blue Ivy Prep #1)

Enrollment begins this autumn.

Born into Hollywood royalty, I’ve been making the hot sheet and generating internet buzz since before I could even walk. Doesn’t matter that my parents divorced prior to my second birthday, I can’t escape the shadows—or scandals—of my movie star mother and my rock star father.

At least, I couldn’t until Aubrey, Yvette and I formed Torched and went double platinum as we made a name for ourselves. Four years after taking the world by storm, I’m exhausted. We all are. I’m also ready to try and be a regular kid. Only problem is I’ve never been normal. I don’t actually know what that feels like. Accepted into the prestigious Blue Ivy Prep, I have a lot to prove to the students, the faculty, our fans, but most of all to myself.

Despite my tabloid reputation or maybe because of it, I don’t intend for anything to get in my way. Especially not anyone who decided I’m an empty-headed pampered partying princess before I even showed up. If they want a fight, I’ll bring them a war.

*Please note this is a reverse harem and the author suggests you always read the forward in her books. Contains some bullying elements, mature situations, and is recommended for 17+. This is the first in a series and the story will continue through future books.


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Problem Child


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on 6/7/23

As inscrições começam neste outono. Nascido na realeza de Hollywood, venho fazendo a folha quente e gerando burburinho na internet desde antes mesmo de saber andar. Não importa que meus pais tenham se divorciado antes do meu segundo aniversário, não consigo escapar das sombras - ou escândalos - de minha mãe estrela de cinema e meu pai estrela do rock. Pelo menos, eu não poderia até Aubrey, Yvette e eu formarmos o Torched e ganharmos disco de platina duplo enquanto fazíamos um nom... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
03/07/2023 07:56:23
editou em:
03/07/2023 07:57:26

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