Psychedelic-40 (English Edition)

Psychedelic-40 (English Edition) Louis Charbonneau


Psychedelic-40 (English Edition)

A dream world or a living nightmare? Psychedelic-40, the miracle drug designed to give users a sense of serenity has an interesting side effect for a small segment of the population. In people with latent telepathic and extra-sensory abilities—the Sensitives, and the even more powerful Specials—PSI-40 enhances their exceptional mental capabilities. But in the general public, addiction to PSI-40 has virtually enslaved humanity. For years, the insidious Mental Freedom Syndicate has controlled the creation and sale of PSI-40, despite mounting opposition from the underground activist group, The Antis. Now, Jon Rand, a skilled Sensitive and a key Security agent for the MFS, has a new assignment—locate the leader of the Antis and neutralize him, by any means necessary.

His target, Kemp “Killjoy” Johnson, isn’t an easy man to catch. A rogue Special with unprecedented abilities, Killjoy evaded the MFS for 17 years before resurfacing in Baja California. As Rand delves into the underbelly of the PSI-40 market, searching for any trace of the elusive Killjoy, he suddenly finds himself the target of an unknown adversary. The line between friend and foe is blurred, and Rand’s life, his mission, and the future of the world, all depend on exposing the true enemy.
'(...) Louis Charbonneau worked as a journalist for the Los Angeles Times (1952-1971), beginning to publish sf novels with No Place on Earth (1958), about a coercive Dystopia. He produced sf for several years thereafter, publishing: Corpus Earthling (1960), about invading telepathic Martian parasites who eventually pass on their ESP powers to mankind; The Sentinel Stars (1963), another dystopia, this time about doomed revolts in a regimented future. ; "Psychedelic-40" (1965; variant tittle 'The Specials' 1965); (...) In all these novels Charbonneau tends towards claustrophobic situations in which his rather conventional protagonists explore themselves through action scenarios'.'

Aventura / Distopia / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira / Política

Edições (1)

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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
28/09/2020 03:03:04
editou em:
03/05/2021 17:21:31

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