Purity of Mind

Purity of Mind Roger Ostrander


Purity of Mind

Everyone in the desert city of Opal has a handful of magic: Enough Water to fill a cup, enough Air to make a breeze, enough Earth to dig a furrow, enough Fire to kindle a hearth, and enough Mind to hear the thoughts of those around them. It is enough to get by, but not enough to change anyone's life. Even the wizards are simply people who have trained all their lives. The man known only as Bishop is one of these ordinary people, but he will discover the hidden world that the Pure would rather everyone remain unaware of....

For all are descended from the Pure. With power to engulf an entire city in flames, should they be a Pure Fire. A Pure Water can call the flood, Pure Air the storm, Pure Earth the quake. And a Pure Mind could own everyone within the city walls without them even being aware of it. It's said they are the gods reincarnated, but they act just as other people. Should they bear children, that child has but a fraction of their power, and a mixing of their domains: Steamlings are the offspring of Fire and Water, Mudslingers that of Water and Earth.

The Pure are hunted: their powers are as coveted as they are dangerous. But they do not simply hide, not simply react. They are planning. Some plan for the betterment of their people. Others plan only for their survival. Many plan selfishly, to use their power to gain more power.

And some plan to heave everything into the Void.


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Purity of Mind


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on 10/5/24

Primeiro dos livros encontrados em fóruns (e escrito por um redditer!) que encontrei. A história me chamou atenção pela trama, onde um mundo onde todos tem capacidades mágicas, ligadas aos elementos. Contudo, esse poder é minúsculo para a maioria das pessoas. Somente os Puros são capazes de grandes feitos mágicos, e somente de um elemento em cada um deles. Mas essas pessoas são raras e sempre perseguidas, poucos são conhecidos no mundo atual. Acompanhamos Bishop, mais novo mem... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
10/05/2024 11:46:53
editou em:
10/05/2024 11:47:19