My Happy Marriage #2

My Happy Marriage #2


My Happy Marriage #2 (My Happy Marriage)

A "Cinderella"-inspired slow-burn historical romance with a paranormal twist set in Taisho-era Japan!
A browbeaten and mistreated daughter is cast out of her home and sent to audition as a bridal candidate for the heir to one of the most powerful families in the land...

For failing to inherit the boon of unusual power that is the Saimori birthright and bringing shame to the family name, mistreated Miyo is cast out to become another's problem.

Sent to the Kudo clan--itself preternaturally powerful--as a potential bride for its heir, Kiyoka, Miyo is surprised to experience kindness for the first time in her thus far sad life.

Though the rumors make him out to be cold and haughty, Kiyoka Kudo quickly warms up to the Saimoris' eldest daughter. Intrigued by the girl who stands worlds apart from the spoiled, social-climbing women who usually vie for his hand, Kiyoka soon comes to regard Miyo with affection.

But though Miyo has found a place--and warmth--in the Kudo household, the fact remains that she is untouched by the power that defines both the Saimori and Kudo clans, making her a failure as a bridal candidate.

Will the small happiness Miyo has found with Kiyoka end as soon as it has begun?

Drama / HQ, comics, mangá / Romance

Edições (1)

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My Happy Marriage #2


(6) ver mais
My Happy Marriage #1
My Happy Marriage, Vol. 1
My Happy Marriage, Vol. 2
My Happy Marriage, Vol. 3

Resenhas para My Happy Marriage #2 (5)

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Boa adaptação do novel com linda arte
on 19/3/23

O segundo volume do mangá ainda conta parte da história do primeiro livro da série original. Gosto de terem dividido em mais de um volume porque assim há a possibilidade de trabalharem diversos detalhes da narrativa. A arte é muito bonita e o volume ainda acompanha o uma página colorida. Esse volume, especificamente, termina em um ponto-chave para o desfecho do primeiro livro da série. Caso não soubesse já o que ia acontecer, ficaria bem ansiosa rs De toda forma, continuo cur... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 4.4 / 40
ranking 65
ranking 25
ranking 8
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
19/03/2023 02:55:34
editou em:
19/03/2023 02:55:49

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