The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars - Part One

The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars - Part One


The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars - Part One (Turf Wars trilogy)

Relishing their newfound feelings for each other, Korra and Asami leave the Spirit World . . . but find nothing in Republic City but political hijinks and human vs. spirit conflict!

A pompous developer plans to turn the new spirit portal into an amusement park, potentially severing an already tumultuous connection with the spirits. What's more, the triads have realigned and are in a brutal all-out brawl at the city's borders--where hundreds of evacuees have relocated!

In order to get through it all, Korra and Asami vow to look out for each other--but first, they've got to get better at being a team and a couple!

Written by series co-creator Michael Dante DiMartino and drawn by Irene Koh T.M.N.T., Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman, Secret Origins: Batgirl, Afrina and the Glass Coffin) and with consultation by Bryan Konietzko, this is the official continuation of The Legend of Korra!

HQ, comics, mangá

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The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars - Part One


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The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars - Part Two
The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars Part Three
Guerra territorial

Resenhas para The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars - Part One (30)

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on 29/10/20

A parte 1 começa imediatamente após o final da animação, ou seja, Korra e Asami no Mundo Espiritual! Gostei bastante de como fala um pouco sobre aceitação e a tradição LGBTQ+ no mundo Avatar. Também gostei de como a história está se preparando para os conflitos que estão surgindo devido a criação do novo portal espiritual. Da pra fazer uma boa comparação entre a maneira que os humanos e os espíritos interagem no tempo da Avatar Korra X como eles interagiam durante tempo do Avatar Wa... leia mais


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Anny Barros
cadastrou em:
01/09/2017 23:27:32
editou em:
16/10/2017 02:47:25

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