Quantum Times

Quantum Times Bill Diffenderffer


Quantum Times

Quantum Times is a 'hard' Syfy novel about the good and the bad that can come to our planet over the next thirty years as our technology innovations are realized. Its story lines are written from the headlines of our world's newspapers showcasing global terrorism, rogue nation states and political and economic inequality. It projects a world at risk of destroying itself with its ever more powerful technology flowing down to increasingly dangerous nihilistic leaders. Borrowing from the 'Many Worlds' theoretical physics theory, in Quantum Times our Earth is visited by "aliens" from three other worlds - all of which turn out to be 'Other Earths'. Yet these Earths are different from ours: their histories developed differently. These Other Earths are more technologically advanced than ours, particularly in their understanding of how to manipulate reality through understanding the latent power of "consciousness." They arrive just after North and South Korea have destroyed each other with an exchange of nuclear missiles. Our world is on edge. These Other Earths each have their own reasons for coming. One comes to help us avoid our potential for destruction, one comes like a pirate to first create chaos and then feed off of the opportunities presented, and one comes to further its own empire building dreams across all the Earths. What isn't clear to our political leaders is which is which. Each claims to come to help us. As the story develops, one of the Other Earths arms our Earth's terrorist groups with more powerful weapons. These are used to destroy the US Embassy in Tel Aviv and threaten the Capitol in Washington. Powerful bombs are set off in London and New York City and there is an escalation of terrorist acts everywhere. Author Information - Bill has been an attorney who has lead billion dollar financial transactions, a Partner in IBM's Business Consulting Services Group and the CEO of two travel technology companies, one of which was then the world's third largest provider of computer reservation systems for the travel industry. In 2005, as CEO, he started up the ultra low cost Skybus Airlines. Then in 2011 he started up Silvercar, the very cool car rental company now growing across the US. He also is the author of The Samurai Leader: Winning Business Battles with the Wisdom, Honor and Courage of the Samurai Code. He now teaches entrepreneurship at The Ohio State University. His goal is to become the wise old man sitting under a palm tree at a beach offering advice on the meaning of life to anyone who'll pay him a dollar. Keywords: Syfy, Quantum Physics, Terrorism, Consciousness, Many Worlds, Politics, End-Of-World

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Quantum Times



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