Queen Sized

Queen Sized Madison Faye


Queen Sized (Royally Screwed #7)

She’s a curvy, royal beauty. I’m a savage, commoner beast.
I’m no King, but I’ve got a big staff and a thick crown - all for her, and fit for a Queen.

As the Captain of the Royal Guard, duty has always come first. Duty, honor, and a fierce loyalty to King and Kingdom. But, that’s before she comes falling into my world and into my arms.


Queen Alessia is all woman. Curves for days, built for sin, and soft, pouty lips that I’m dying to taste. She’s also the definition of off-limits: young, royal, innocent, and engaged for political reasons to a man who doesn’t deserve her.

She’s also never been touched. But then, neither have I.

A life spent training as an underground fighter and then a soldier means there’s never been a woman before her. Not ever. But Queen Alessia will be my first, she’ll be my only, and she’ll be my last.

She makes me lose control and break every single one of my rules. And today, I’m going to break my vows as a soldier. Guard her and watch her while she marries another man?

Screw that.

Queen Alessia’s been mine since the moment she fell into my world. And today, I’m going to remind of that, if it’s the last thing I do.

This is a standalone story. The books in the Royally Screwed series can be read in any order.

Wild, over-the-top, and a Queen-sized helping of growly alpha goodness ;). Grab your tiaras, get cozy on your throne, and get for insta-love fantasy at its finest.

As with all my books, this one is safe, with no cheating, and HEA guaranteed.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Queen Sized


(6) ver mais
King Sized
Daddy Duke
Pr*ck Charming
Once Upon A Scandal

Resenhas para Queen Sized (2)

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on 12/6/23

Essa mania de ter que ler tudo, mesmonque seja horrível. Cenas hot são todas iguais na série, mas até que são legais. História??? Nenhuma...kkkk. Deveria ter reunido todas em um livro de contos eróticos. Tantas vezes que ouvi dessa autora e me decepcionei logo de cara.... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.9 / 17
ranking 18
ranking 12
ranking 29
ranking 35
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
20/07/2022 17:51:26
editou em:
20/07/2022 17:51:51

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