Quiet Lies

Quiet Lies R.L. Griffin


Quiet Lies

I was broken before I met Sebastian Pryor, but he decimated me. I swept the ashes of myself into a pile that I kept safe for thirteen years. Believe me it wasn’t pretty, oh but people thought we were perfect. I hate myself most days. I hate that I feel for him as much as I loathe who I’ve become with him. This story is hard to hear. You know what the worst part is? You’ll see part of you in me. You’ll hate that. You won’t tell anyone.

My story is about cracks. A description or telling of how cracks in a marriage, a life, a personality, a heart and a mind begin and continue for years without anyone knowing. You don't always see what causes the fissure, but you feel it. Can you remember who you were before all of this started, before your life became a jumble of deceit, longing and regret?

This book isn’t for anyone who needs a happily ever after.

This book isn’t for anyone who needs a fun time out from their life.

This book isn’t for anyone, but me.

This is my story. I won’t apologize for it.

Literatura Estrangeira

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Quiet Lies


Resenhas para Quiet Lies (1)

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on 13/3/16

Um dos melhores livros que li em 2015. Infelizmente, nao tenho tempo de traduzir a resenha que fiz na epoca. Aqui fica o registro mesmo assim. This is one of those few books that when I am done with I don’t know how the hell to rate it. Let me start with the bad first: I am conscious that this was not my story to tell and I have to swallow it. Whatever. I am also aware that I cannot have it always as I want. That said, I still can have an opinion about it. The story was sad... leia mais


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