Real Black-Eyed Kids

Real Black-Eyed Kids Zachery Knowles


Real Black-Eyed Kids (True Ghost Stories #3)

Someone knocks at your door in the middle of the night. As you stumble forward in the darkness, a strange feeling comes over your-a sense of danger, of caution. You brush the feeling aside as you look out the peephole and see your late night visitors are just a pair of young children. You are puzzled as to why such young children are out by alone at night, but you see no reason to fear them. You breathe a sigh of relief, shrugging off the peculiar feelings.

They are very young and excite a little sympathy from you; especially since you notice their clothes and haircuts seem a bit odd. Both children are trying to avoid the porch light and hiding their faces in the shadows, but you decide they are just shy. You feel a bit hesitant again, yet question the possible harm two small children can pose.

Opening the door a crack to find out what they need, one of the children asks to come inside your home to use the phone. It seems they need to contact their mother so she won't worry. The sound of the child's voice sends a bit of a chill up your spine. She seems too authoritative and poised for one so young. You begin to question them and the girl's requests become more aggressive.

You find yourself subconsciously opening the door up despite the fact these children are making you uncomfortable. As you realize what you are doing, one of the children steps forward a bit and what you see will haunt your nightmares for years to come.

Fear sweeps over you and you find it difficult, despite the threat you feel, to turn the children away. It takes every bit of your will power to close the door so these children with the coal black eyes do not make their way into your home.

This is the stereotypical "black-eyed kids" encounter. There are two things every single BEK encounter has in common: the children have complete blackness where their eyes should be and the terror that accompanies such an encounter.

Some people also describe disturbing occurrences such as mind reading, an almost hypnotic power, and abnormal strength. Sometimes the children visit people's homes, while at other times it is their car or merely an encounter on the street. While most encounters are at night, you'll find that some can occur in the daylight. One man in this book encountered the same BEK twice, years apart.

In this book you will read stories that will make your blood run cold and leave you with many disturbing questions. You'll learn the sightings actually go back many years and include both children and adults.

You'll read first hand stories from people in all walks of life: bartenders, retirees, truck drivers, military personnel, and school children. This book will let you discover the reaction animals have to the mere presence of a BEK. You'll also find out what can happen when someone let's a BEK into his or her home or vehicle.

Suspense e Mistério / Terror

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Real Black-Eyed Kids



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Luiz Torres
cadastrou em:
08/06/2020 21:41:34
editou em:
02/11/2022 12:51:56

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