Reality Dawn

Reality Dawn Kate Genet


Reality Dawn #1

Reality Dawn is a dimension travelling Reality Worker. She's on our Earth to make sure no unauthorised doors between dimensions are opened, Unbeknownst to most people, this happens quite often - passages from one Earth to another, parallel Earth open without warning, and the consequences can be alarming. Fearless, adventurous Reality Dawn loves her job, and loves having company on her travels, which is why, when Rae meets her after her sister-in law mysteriously disappears, Rae is invited along for the daring rescue from a parallel Earth unlike anything she's ever seen.

In this first episode, Rae's sister in law vanishes into thin air right outside her house. No one can figure out how that is even possible, never mind what has happened to her. Until, that is, the equally mysterious Reality Dawn turns up late that same night. Rae is alternately baffled and intrigued by this strange woman who is addicted to tea and biscuits but claims she can get Rae's sister-in law Morgan back from wherever she disappeared to. When Reality invites Rae along, Rae can't help but go - this might be the big adventure she was always hoping for. If not, at least it's better than sitting around twiddling her thumbs. And anyway, if this Reality woman is half as nutty as she seems to be, it's going to be one interesting trip. She only hopes Reality is serious about rescuing Morgan.

This is a novella of aproximately 33 000 words.

Ficção / Ficção científica / LGBT / GLS

Edições (1)

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Reality Dawn


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? Sci-Fi ?
on 12/1/22

Eu estou muito apaixonada por essa saga. Ela tem uma vibe Doctor Who muito forte, mas sem ser uma cópia barata. Reality é incrível e misteriosa, impossível não se apaixonar por ela. E depois que Rae percebe que é tudo real, a forma que ela embarca pronta pra aventura é maravilhosa. As duas são fantásticas!!! Na minha cabeça, Reality Dawn é interpretada por Alex Kingston e Rae por Jemma Redgrave. Isso torna tudo ainda melhor ?... leia mais


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Mirielen Arantes
cadastrou em:
11/01/2022 15:53:17
Mirielen Arantes
editou em:
11/01/2022 15:54:09

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