Recovered Fumble

Recovered Fumble Baylin Crow


Recovered Fumble (Sugar Land Saints #3)

Rendon: Nash is football royalty in this town and has an ego to match.

We met at a party--the last place I wanted to be. Full of confident swagger, the campus playboy approached me. It was hard to believe he was interested in me, but he was. Interested in hooking up, that is.

When things ended before they really even began, we agreed once the semester started it'd be best to keep our distance from each other. But I'm the only one holding up my end of the deal.

He thinks he can just waltz back into my life, turn on the charm and have me with a simple snap of his fingers. He can't.

Nash: Rendon is off-limits but I want him anyway.

With dreams of going pro depending on my current season, I know I should have stayed away from him. Hooking up with a teammate's younger brother was asking for trouble.

It's been months since I've seen him and the moment I set eyes on him my already cracked resolve crumbles to dust. That small taste of him I had isn't enough. It will never be enough.

Now that he's back on campus to stay, I plan on picking up where we left off... Except now he says he doesn't want me.

Rendon may be a virgin but Nash is the one who has no clue what he's doing.

Recovered Fumble is the third book in the Sugar Land Saints series and the first full-length novel. It's a story about opposites with undeniable chemistry, a well-rounded education and the love of football.

LGBT / GLS / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Recovered Fumble


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on 29/5/23

Achei muito enrolado demais, o drama foi forçado e sem sal, o romance é fraco demais, não gostei nenhum dos protagonistas da história. Só o final que eu achei minimamente bom... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
12/08/2021 18:02:36
editou em:
12/08/2021 18:03:07

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