Red Dirt Heart

Red Dirt Heart N.R. Walker


Red Dirt Heart #4

Moving from a Texas ranch to an Australian Outback station was a life changing decision for Travis Craig. Though it wasn’t really a decision at all. Something in his bones told him to go, though he had no clue as to why.
Until he met Sutton Station’s owner, Charlie.
Loving Charlie shouldn’t have been easy. The man was stubborn, and riddled with crippling self-doubt. No, it shouldn’t have been easy at all. Yet somehow, falling in love with Charlie was the easiest thing in the world.
Loving him was easy. Living with him, teaching him how to love in return and, more importantly, how to love himself, was not.
But Travis knew all along it’d be worth it. He knew the man with the red dirt heart was destined to be his. Just like he knew the red dirt that surrounded him was where he was supposed to be.
In the final instalment of the Red Dirt Series, we see Charlie through Travis’ eyes. We see how much he’s grown and how much he loves. We go back to Texas with them, and we see Charlie get everything he truly thought he never deserved.
Red Dirt Heart 4 is Travis’ story.
And this is the story of not just one red dirt heart, but two.

LGBT / GLS / Romance

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Red Dirt Heart


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Red Dirt Heart
Red Dirt Heart
Red Dirt Heart
 Through These Eyes

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on 15/2/15

Buaaaaaaaaaaaaa, nem preciso dizer que adoro essa autora. Essa é mais uma série que ela arrasou. A historia dessa vez é mais voltada para Travis o que nos dá uma perspectiva diferente já. Adorei a cena deles se casando e chorei e ri muito com cada situação inusitada. Recomendadíssimo!!!!!!! ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 22
ranking 59
ranking 27
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ranking 5



Gabriela Araujo
cadastrou em:
14/01/2015 14:37:12
editou em:
18/08/2017 13:48:06

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