Red Dirt Heart Imago

Red Dirt Heart Imago N.R. Walker


Red Dirt Heart Imago (Red Dirt #4.5; Imago 2.5)

When Charlie Sutton's neighbour Greg is notified by the Queensland government that they intend to run a pipeline through his property, Charlie vows to help him fight it. Then Travis remembers seeing butterflies at the creek near their joining fence line - the same butterflies they couldn't find in any Australian butterfly book. Hopeful this might be their only chance to stop the development, they seek the help of a specialist. Lawson Brighton-Gale receives an email request to identify a butterfly in the Outback, only to discover it's not an Australian butterfly at all. But that's not all he discovers. The name on the request is familiar to Jack. An old friend from his university days, who also happened to be his old friend with benefits, Charlie Sutton. Years ago, two out-of-towners met at the University of Sydney. Both studying environmental sciences, both hundreds of miles from home, and both finding their worlds open to new experiences, they fell into bed together. Meeting again after all this time, in front of Lawson and Travis, won't be awkward at all, right? Lawson and Jack's trip to Sutton Station certainly doesn't go to plan, and what they take back to Tasmania isn't just butterflies, but a cocoon of possibilities. A Red Dirt Heart and Imago crossover The story of when red dirt and butterflies collide. Red Dirt Heart Imago is approximately 18,000 words. PAPERBACK ONLY BONUS STORY Red Dirt Heart Christmas (14,000 words)

LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (2)

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Red Dirt Heart Imago
Red Dirt Heart Imago


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