Rewriting The Stars

Rewriting The Stars Claire Kingsley


Rewriting The Stars (The Bailey Brothers #6)

A Small Town Romance

Firefighter Levi Bailey is used to being alone. Not that he’s lonely. How could he be, with a band of unruly brothers, and their wives and growing families. Maybe he’s the odd man out. The one brother who isn’t destined to be with his soulmate.

Besides, he has her.

She’s his Juliet, the only woman in the world he can’t ever have. To an outsider, it probably seems crazy. But the Tilikum town feud is no joke—especially now—and Annika Haven is strictly forbidden.

Annika Haven never expected to be back in her hometown, let alone as a single mom with two jobs. Add in a pack of overprotective brothers, a brewing family crisis, and a gossipy, feuding town on the brink of chaos, and life gets complicated.

But at least she has him.

He’s her Romeo, a son of the enemy. He makes her smile on her worst days. Yet, despite his brooding sex appeal, the one thing she cannot do is fall for Levi Bailey. They’re just friends and that’s the way it has to stay.

But after months of secret texts and stolen glances, one soul-stealing kiss changes everything. And Levi Bailey is about to do the impossible.

Defy the feud.

Author’s note: an intense hero who relentlessly pursues what he wants and a single mom with a tender heart. Small-town shenanigans, a hundred-year-old mystery, a riot of crazy brothers, enough heat to melt your Kindle (and your ovaries) and the biggest, heart-burstingest, happily ever after you’ve been waiting for.


Edições (1)

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Rewriting The Stars


Resenhas para Rewriting The Stars (3)

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Levi, Levi, Levi, onde você estava escondendo tudo isso?
on 8/12/22

Esse livro me surpreendeu. A rivalidade BaileyXHaven toma uma direção séria nessa história, em meio a segredos, perigos e surpresas, temos Levi e Annika, apaixonados desde sempre e impossibilitados de fazer qualquer coisa por causa da rivalidade entre suas famílias. Esse livro me tocou de certa forma, foi lindo ver a união entre os irmãos de ambas as famílias, que nem sempre acertam em suas atitudes, mas que lutam uns pelos outros até o fim. Amo a relação Levi e Logan, esses gêmeos te... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
06/04/2022 15:49:14
editou em:
06/04/2022 15:49:43

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