Riding the Storm

Riding the Storm Larissa Ione / Sydney Croft


Riding the Storm

A storm's rage. A woman's desire.

A man with the power to set them both free.

He can summon lightning at will. Emerge unscathed from the center of a tornado. Strip a woman down to her barest defenses through the sheer force of his sexuality. He's gorgeous, dangerous, and the target of parameteorologist Haley Holmes's latest mission. Haley has been dispatched to the Louisiana bayous to investigate the phenomenon known as Remy Begnaud-a man with a gift he never wanted: the ability to control a storm's fury. But even a woman trained in bizarre weather phenomena has no defense against the electrifying power of the ex--Navy SEAL...a power his enemies would kill to control.

With her agency monitoring their every move, Haley's job is to seduce Remy, gain his trust-and help him harness his extraordinary gift. But who will protect her from this voracious lover who's introducing her to a new world of erotic thrills--a man who grows increasingly insatiable with each new weather event? Haley knows a big storm is approaching--and with it will come unexpected delights. But so, too, will the storm unleash her greatest fears: an enemy bent on destroying Remy. And her worst fear of all--falling in love with this magnificent man, then having to betray him.

Edições (1)

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Riding the Storm


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Unleashing the Storm

Resenhas para Riding the Storm (1)

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on 27/6/09

Gostei muito do livro, apesar de no começo ter tido certa dificuldade para entrar no universo onde ele se situa. Um mundo com pessoas com poderes especiais: telecinese, controle do tempo, capazes de controlar a eletricidade, conversar com fantasmas… E uma agência que os emprega e usa esses dons para proteger os cidadãos e o mundo – ACRO (Agengy for Covert Rare Operatives – ou Agencia para Abrigar Agentes Raros). Mas depois que “entrei”, me apaixonei e fiquei fã. ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
27/06/2009 16:04:26

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