Risking it All

Risking it All Tessa Bailey


Risking it All (Crossing the Line #1)

NYPD detective Seraphia Newsom will avenge her brother’s death at any cost. Even if it means insinuating herself into a rough, Brooklyn street gang and going so far undercover, she’s not sure she’ll be able to get out. Every minute she spends in their midst means the clock ticking down on her life, especially when she overhears something that could get her killed.

Bowen Driscol is the heir to a crime enterprise. He never asked for the job, but with his father behind bars, he has no choice but to step in and keep the operation running. But when the NYPD blackmails him with a piece of damning information in exchange for aiding an undercover cop, he finds himself on the other side of the law for the first time in his life.

Bowen knows the danger Sera is in, and keeping her safe trumps saving his own ass. The problem? She can’t know he’s on her side. And there's the matter of the seriously inconvenient heat sparking between them that's incinerating his resistance. But Sera only sees Bowen's past, and men like him are the reason her brother is dead. If they're to get out alive, he'll have to risk exposing the man beneath, and hope to hell he doesn't blow the whole operation in the process.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Risking it All


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Resenhas para Risking it All (2)

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uma perda de tempo.
on 13/8/21

Essa é uma história de amor proibido, entre uma policial e um criminoso. Uma história que me prometeram muito dirty talk e hot.... bem.... não exatamente. Eu já tinha lido Corrupted dessa autora que teve MUITO dirty talk, então estava confiante que teria o mesmo aqui, mas o que tive foi algo bem inferior, uma vergonha lamentável. Nem chega perto na real. E os momentos hots foram arruinados pela escrita péssima da autora, que não sabe escrever na terceira pessoa. Eu amo livros em terce... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.1 / 4
ranking 25
ranking 0
ranking 50
ranking 25
ranking 0



Gisele Melo
cadastrou em:
06/02/2015 21:36:44
editou em:
03/07/2021 10:41:57

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