Rocky Mountain Heat

Rocky Mountain Heat Vivian Arend


Rocky Mountain Heat (Six Pack Ranch #1)

He's the one who taught her to ride. Now all he wants is to ride her.

Six Pack Ranch, Book 1
Blake Coleman is old enough to know that acting on impulse causes nothing but a heap of trouble. But when trouble's a western-hat-wearing blonde with slim legs that go on forever, what's a man to do? Wanting the sweet girl next door is just wrong. The responsible thing to do is keep his hands off.

Jaxi has other plans for Blake's hands, and his heart. She may have once considered him a big brother, but that was a long time ago. She's all grown up now and ready to convince him that she's perfect for him. Except he can't seem to see past the big "don't touch" sign that's apparently still hanging around her neck.

When Jaxi ends up living right under Blake's nose, the undeniable heat between them slides off simmer and leaps up to barn-burning levels. However, a few of the younger six-pack Colemans have decided Jaxi's brand of trouble is worth risking a few busted bones.
That is, if Blake's finally ready to let go the reins and fight for what he wants...

Warning: Sexy cowboys seducing and being seduced in trucks, pool halls and barns. Droolworthy country charm, a little double-teaming, a few secrets and a whole lot of brothers to look forward to. Anyone wanna go for a ride?

Erótico / Romance

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Rocky Mountain Heat


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Rocky Mountain Haven

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on 9/8/19

Jaxi sempre foi apaixonada pelo Blake, e Blake via Jaxi como uma irmã, mas tudo começa a mudar quando ela vai ficando mais velha e o corpo ganhando curvas ... Blake tenta lutar contra a atração que começa a sentir por Jaxi, e ela está decidida a seduzir Blake e mostrar que é uma mulher com desejos e paixão.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.0 / 47
ranking 13
ranking 17
ranking 40
ranking 27
ranking 4



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cadastrou em:
06/10/2014 10:42:51
editou em:
15/03/2019 02:37:25

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