Searching for Dragons

Searching for Dragons Patricia C. Wrede


Searching for Dragons (Enchanted Forest Chronicles #2)

Those wicked wizards are at it again. This time they are draining power from the Enchanted Forest. And that does not sit well with Mendanbar the King.

On the advice of the witch Morwen, Mendanbar decides to consult with Kazul, the King of the Dragons. He hopes to avoid meeting the dragon's princess, since he dislikes princesses and considers them silly, brainless twits.

But when he gets to Kazul's cave and meets Princess Cimorene, Mendanbar is startled to discover she is unlike any princess he has ever met. As for Cimorene, though first she mistakes the King of the Enchanted Forest for the plumber, she is delighted to find him a fascinating companion.

That is lucky indeed, for they will have to endure a lot of each other. Kazul has been captured by those horribly wizards, and Mendanbar and Cimorene will have to search for her, traveling over mountains and past man-eating giants, terrifying rock snakes, and an assortment of magic-wielders.

Once again, Patricia C. Wrede has written a diverting and ingenious novel, as much fun as her first book about Cimorene and Kazul, the highly acclaimed Dealing With Dragons.

Fantasia / Infantojuvenil / Jovem adulto

Edições (2)

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Searching for Dragons
Searching for Dragons


(3) ver mais
Dealing with Dragons
Calling on Dragons
Talking to Dragons

Resenhas para Searching for Dragons (2)

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Apaixonada por essa série.
on 11/6/21

Já tinha amado "Dealing with Dragons", mas vou confessar que estava com receio de não gostar tanto de "Searching for Dragons" por ele não ser contado pelo ponto de vista da Cimorene, mas graças a Deus o Mendanbar também é um personagem maravilhoso e um excelente narrador, e eu amei esse livro tanto quanto primeiro. Foi tão bom ver a Cimorene interagindo com o Mendanbar e vise versa, ele são tão perfeitos um para outro. É impossível não torcer para que os dois fiquem juntos, mesmo que p... leia mais


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