Secret Rules to Being a Rockstar

Secret Rules to Being a Rockstar Jessamyn Violet


Secret Rules to Being a Rockstar

Acclaimed musician Jessamyn Violet's debut LGBTQA+ novel sizzles with a coming-of-age story set in an industry of ambition, secrets, lies, and utter joy.

Eighteen-year-old Kyla Bell dreams of one day being a professional musician... but gets little to no support from her parents. Still, she practices every day and performs locally, harboring her own secret hopes. One night, her dreams are answered in the form of sultry rocker Ruby Sky, the magnetic frontwoman of her favorite band, Glitter Tears. Ruby hears Kyla perform and asks her to join the band on keys for their upcoming tour.

In order to accept, Kyla must drop out of her Western Massachusetts high school and move to Los Angeles immediately to live with a renowned yet highly volatile producer who has agreed to put her through "rock star boot camp" in a matter of weeks. Blindsided by her emerging feelings for Ruby Sky, Kyla tumbles through the lights and shadows of the 90s music scene in Los Angeles.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira

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Secret Rules to Being a Rockstar


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David bowie toca aquela rock n roll suicide
on 20/6/23

Eu tava com a esperança desse livro ser algo daisy jones and the six mas com lésbicas e não tem NADA a ver, eu deveria saber ja que nada vai ser que nem daisy jones. Tem vários pontos problemáticos que foram de propósito por se passar nos anos 90 e estar no meio da indústria musical. O que não me desce é a ruby ver a kyla como praticamente uma criança pura e inocente e ainda se sentir atraida por ela, assim a diferença de idade delas não é absurda e a kyla é de maior, mas as coisas qu... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.0 / 1
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cadastrou em:
05/03/2023 11:11:25
editou em:
10/04/2023 18:36:20

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