Seducing Danger

Seducing Danger Alexandria Lee


Seducing Danger (The Star-Crossed Series)

(The Star-Crossed Series - Book 2)

Happily ever afters don't come for the wicked...

I was the one stupid enough to hope for a happily ever after.

It was my fault she was gone.

It was my fault for being dumb and being hopeful and being in love. I knew better, and I didn't listen to my own warning bells. I'd been too deafened by Dominic Reed's love, and now others were paying the price.

People I loved were in danger—my life was in danger—and we still didn't know why. We still didn't know who was doing this or what they wanted.

Other than me.

Me. A nobody. A girl broken from the inside out. A girl with a lightning temper and death wish determination.

It was that determination that took me one step too far. I flung myself off the edge, depending one last time on hope to help me fly, and instead, I crashed hard into a nightmare world nothing in my twenty-one years could have prepared me for.

Not the horrors. Not the twisted family ties. Certainly not the bad boy with the heart of poems.

My death-wish determination had taken me to the very edge of hell, and the devil just might be the person I least expected.

Erótico / Romance / Romance policial

Edições (1)

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Seducing Danger


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Eu estou impressionada ?
on 8/10/22

BLAAAAAKE ???????? ?Together, we were such a beautiful tragedy.? Esta segunda parte da série é poesia do início ao fim (se é que você me entende ?). A química entre os protagonistas é incrível e toda a história é tão imersiva, mas de alguma forma ainda em ritmo acelerado. As reviravoltas neste romance vão te manter entretido e tentando adivinhar o que vai acontecer a seguir e mesmo quando você acertar, a história ainda vai surpreendê-lo. Eu também não posso exagerar o quão bonita... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 12
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cadastrou em:
07/10/2022 19:37:55
editou em:
07/10/2022 19:38:23

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