Seducing My Ex

Seducing My Ex Tarin Lex


Seducing My Ex (I'm Yours #05)

Mountain Man Police Officer

Seducing My Ex: I’m Yours Book 5
A Mountain Man Police Officer, Second Chance Insta Love

She is the ocean—wild, spirited, untamed.
He is stone and granite and loam—grounded, immutable earth.
The shore upon which she can finally still.

I wasn’t supposed to love him.
Wade was my older brother Carter’s best friend. They grew up together, joined the Army together, deployed together.
But only one of them came back.
Now I’ve lost two men—my dad when I was little, and now my brother.
It hurt more than I could bear.
Heartbreak is for the bees.
And roots are for trees.
I have arms and legs that can’t stay put. I’m meant to move. To make music. To explore.
To run.
Until it’s time for me to come back home.

She was beautiful like a sunset is beautiful—most inspiring right before it goes away.
I never got stuck on the going-away. She would do that sometimes.
She always came back.
Bianca was once my dirty little secret.
And the love of my life.
I don’t know why she ran away. No one in this little town knows.
I gave her space. I kept growing, planted roots, like I said I would.
I’m still here—a veteran; a captain in the Starlight Police Department.
Protecting. Serving.
Listening for her siren song.

Hi Readers!
Seducing My Ex is a short, steamy & sweet, second chance insta love story with no cliffhangers, no cheating, and an oh-so-satisfying HEA. It can stand alone, but why stop there? Catch up on all the OTT insta love reads in the multi-author I’m Yours series!
Love, Tarin

Contos / Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Seducing My Ex


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Não vou dizer que foi ruim. Também não foi tão bom assim.
on 2/6/22

Eu acabei de ler outro livro da autora (Broken SEAL - SEAL Team Romeo 06) e achei algumas similaridades. E a comprovação veio no final, quando vi que o epílogo de lá era uma cópia desse aqui (esse foi lançado 2 anos antes). A autora colocou o MESMO epílogo em dois livros diferentes e não relacionados, com apenas algumas pequenas alterações. Mas acontecem as mesmas coisas. Mesma sequência de eventos. Os personagens fazem as mesmas coisas. Até as falas são as mesmas. Vou confessar que ... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
02/06/2022 16:01:31
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
02/06/2022 16:04:34