Seven Exes

Seven Exes Lucy Vine


Seven Exes

A delightful rom-com about a woman who decides to revisit each of her seven exes, convinced that one of them is "the one who got away."

Seven Exes. Seven Missed Chances. Who was the one who got away?

Esther is nearing thirty, with a great job and a flat she shares with her two best friends, Bibi and Louise. But her life is missing that special someone. Tired of being single and sick of bad date after bad date, she thinks she's found the answer to her romance problem in an old women's magazine.

According to the magazine's dating column, there are seven archetypes a woman will date before finding Mr. Right. It all seems silly at first, until Esther realizes she has exactly seven exes that match the profiles: The First Love, The Work Mistake, The Overlap, The Friend with Benefits, The Missed Chance, The Bastard, and The Serious One. Is it so hard to believe that perhaps one of them is The One?

Deciding she must have left her true love in the reject pile, Esther contacts each of her old boyfriends. But finding her soulmate isn't as simple as she hoped it would be. Madness, mayhem, laughs, and tears ensue as she valiantly works her way through her past love life and faces up to her previous mistakes. It's an odyssey of the heart that will teach her a lot about herself . . . and just might lead her to the man of her dreams.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Seven Exes


Resenhas para Seven Exes (1)

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on 28/7/23

Esse livro foi bem diferente do que eu esperava que seria, e até agora estou tentando decidir se isso é bom ou ruim. num geral, eu gostei. o livro é divertido e a protagonista, por mais auto centrada que ela seja, me fez rir bastante. algumas piadas foram um pouco demais pra mim, mas isso é provavelmente porque eu não estou na idade pra me relacionar com elas. o que me incomodou foi que eu esperava um romance e não foi isso que eu recebi. gostei da jornada de auto descoberta dela bl... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.5 / 1
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cadastrou em:
09/05/2023 02:40:01
editou em:
09/05/2023 02:40:13

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