She Likes Pina Coladas

She Likes Pina Coladas Brittanee Nicole


She Likes Pina Coladas (Bristol Bay #1)

Wanted: Hot Stranger For Vacation

It started with a simple message from the man known as Pina Coladas: Message me and Escape. After dumping my apartment-stealing boyfriend and rooming with my best friend’s dog, the promise of fruity drinks, dancing in the rain, and maybe even a midnight romp, leaves me singing a familiar tune, excited to travel to the Azores with the stranger who answered my wanted ad.

When Jack, aka Mr. Perfect, aka the one who got away, shows up at the airport, I’m left to wonder if this is just another one of life’s dirty pranks.

Jack isn’t only hot, he’s a fighter pilot with a sense of humor and blue eyes that make my butterflies dance. He’s saying all the right things and sending sparks in every direction he looks, asking me to take all sorts of risks—like swimming in hot springs, jumping in mysterious pools, and giving him a second chance. But he still hasn’t told me why he disappeared in the first place.

After a sip, or twenty, of sangria, I’ll happily explore the cafés and the beaches and possibly even Jack’s calves, but what I absolutely, positively will not do is fall for Jack—again.

Authors Note: She Likes Pina Coladas is a full-length, standalone, steamy and humorous contemporary read featuring a second chance at romance.

Edições (1)

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She Likes Pina Coladas


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Nada demais, bem irrealista.
on 19/10/22

Começou bem, mas quanto mais eu lia, menos eu gostava e, no meio do livro, comecei a folhear apenas para chegar ao fim. A química entre Jack e Charlotte: eu não senti nada, mas eles foram fofos juntos no final. Eu realmente não gostei do quão irreal este livro foi. Parecia tão inacreditável que essas duas pessoas se conectaram tão rapidamente e com a maneira como se conheceram. Eu realmente não senti que foi um romance de segunda chance, já que uma noite bêbada andando e comendo pa... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.2 / 6
ranking 17
ranking 33
ranking 17
ranking 33
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Nat Cocito
cadastrou em:
17/03/2022 11:05:33
Nat Cocito
editou em:
17/03/2022 11:05:47

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