Simply Love

Simply Love Mary Balogh


Simply Love

BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Mary Balogh's The Secret Mistress. New York Times bestselling author Mary Balogh returns to the elegance and sensuality of Regency England as she continues the enthralling story of four remarkable womenfriends and teachers at Miss Martins School for Girls. At the center of this spellbinding novel is Anne Jewell, a teacher haunted by a scandalous pastuntil she meets a man who teaches her the most important lesson of all: nothing is simple when it comes to love. She spies him in the deepening dusk of a Wales eveninga lone figure of breathtaking strength and masculinity, his handsome face branded by a secret pain. For single mother and teacher Anne Jewell, newly arrived with her son at a sprawling estate in Wales on the invitation of an influential friend, Sydnam Butler is a man whose sorrowsand passionsrun deeper than she could have ever imagined. As steward of a remote seaside manor, Sydnam lives a reclusive existence far from the pity and disdain of others. Yet almost from the moment Anne first appears on the cliffs, he senses in this lovely stranger a kindred soul, and between these two wary hearts, desire stirs. Unable to resist the passion that has rescued them both from loneliness, Anne and Sydnam share an afternoon of exquisite lovemaking. Now the unwed single mother and war-scarred veteran must make a decision that could forever alter their lives. For Sydnam, it is a chance to heal the pain of the past. For Anne, it is the glorious promise of a future with the man who will dare her to reveal her deepest secretsbefore she can give him all her heart.

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João gregorio
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27/01/2022 05:31:43

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