Sinners Are Winners

Sinners Are Winners Lani Lynn Vale


Sinners Are Winners (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #5)

He saw her from across a crowded ballpark and knew she was about to change his life.

Yes, he realizes just how cliché that really is, but the moment his eyes locked on her, he knew that she was the one.

At least, the one that royally screwed him over. The one responsible for his demotion and the subsequent disciplinary action taken against him before he’d even gotten out of the probationary period with Kilgore Police Department.

It all started with a kiss.


Saylor Rae Spada tried to mind her business. She also tried to not get involved in petty disputes.

However, from the moment she saw him sitting next to her at a professional baseball game, a game she didn’t even want to be at but was dragged to by her blind date, she couldn’t look away.

Then the kiss cam came on, featuring none other than her and the handsome stranger.

Without missing a beat, he kissed her.

Then her blind date decided to pull a knife and try to stab him.

From that point forward, she’s done nothing but cause him trouble.

Trouble that he’s starting to find increasingly adorable.

Erótico / Romance

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Sinners Are Winners


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Gostosinho demais
on 30/3/22

Gostei muito! Acho que é o livro que mais gostei dessa série até agora!! Não é perfeito, mas é tudibommm hahahhaa Tô apaixonada pelo Lock! Já tava apaixonada nos livros anteriores, mas nesse... ganhou meu coraçãozinho! Gostei que não tem taaaaanto drama como nos outros, é algo mais simples, um romance da vida real mas com gostinho de felizes pra sempre. Sei lá, gostei hhahahaha Ps.: a reunião dos casais em determinado capítulo me deixou feliz da vida!! Fiquei querendo apenas ver... leia mais


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12/10/2019 21:26:15

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