Sins of the Damned

Sins of the Damned Elena Lawson


Sins of the Damned (Fallen Cities: Elisium #2)

I made a deal with a demon: my freedom in exchange for forty days at his side. Little did I know how much more I would be giving up.

My naivety? Definitely.

My sanity? Possibly.

My heart? Irrevocably.

Kincaid is cruel. Savage. A monster. I should hate him, but something inside of him whispers to the dark parts of me, bringing me back to life. So, when he says needs me, I owe it to him to try.

Two of the seven lords of Hell are dead, and I may be the only creature on this mortal coil able to reach them. But my power is drawing unwanted celestial attention, luring in new foes on all sides until it’s impossible to know who to trust.

Better the devil I know, than the ones I don’t.

Sins of the Damned is book two in this enthralling series of sinful truths, wicked desires, and a girl caught in the crossfire of a celestial war centuries in the making.

Perfect for fans Amelia Hutchins, Laura Thalassa, Sarah J. Maas, and Kresley Cole.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Sins of the Damned


Resenhas para Sins of the Damned (2)

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Sins of the Damned
on 8/12/21

Eu tentei me segurar, mas não deu! Paige está completamente apaixonada pelo demônio Asmodeus, também conhecido como Kincaid. Seu poder cresce a cada dia, o que a leva ser treinada por outra Necromante, que acabamos descobrindo que Paige não é. Ela acaba se entregando para Kincaid, sua primeira vez é com um demônio e ela está feliz com isso. Dias longe de Kincaid a faz perceber que não está apenas apaixonada por ele, ela está amando ele mas tem medo do que isso pode significar e e... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 13
ranking 31
ranking 31
ranking 31
ranking 8
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
20/07/2021 22:01:18
Tuty Gomes
editou em:
13/10/2021 22:44:30

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