Siren Songs

Siren Songs E. E. Isherwood


Siren Songs

It's the Apocalypse. Lots of people die. Liam and Victoria helped 104-year-old Grandma Marty escape the zombie-filled urban chaos of St. Louis and are almost at his home. Once Liam gets Marty into his parents' supervision, he'll be free of the burden of caring for her. Then maybe he can help Victoria get back to Colorado, though he admits he is totally smitten with his new friend. As a voracious reader of zombie books, Liam remains cautious because nothing is ever as simple as it seems during the Zombie Apocalypse. While they race for his suburban home, the swelling zombie horde nips at their heels and shows no sign of stopping. It confirms things will continue to get worse, even outside the city. But Liam's resolve reaches a breaking point when Victoria's life is threatened by someone he thought was a friend. He endures many challenges in the hills and forests outside the sprawl, and learns someone is chewing up human test subjects in their quest for a cure. Only when he stumbles upon a mass grave does he finally see the direct threat to his grandma. Siren Songs is the exciting second installment of E. E. Isherwood's hit post-apocalyptic series Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse. If you like to watch society collapse, zombie hordes bear down on the heroes, and skin-of-teeth escapes, you won't be able to put down this awesome read! The Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse series. Book 1: Since the Sirens Book 2: Siren Songs Book 3: Stop the Sirens Book 4: Last Fight of the Valkyries Book 5: Zombies vs Polar Bears Book 6: Zombies Ever After Author's Notes:Siren Songs continues the story of Liam, Marty, and Victoria, and approximately covers days 4-8 since the sirens blared in book 1.

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Siren Songs



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