Small Worlds (English Edition)

Small Worlds (English Edition) Caleb Azumah Nelson


Small Worlds (English Edition)

One of the most acclaimed and internationally bestselling “unforgettable” (New York Times) debuts of the 2021, Caleb Azumah Nelson’s London-set love story Open Water took the US by storm and introduced the world to a salient and insightful new voice in fiction. Now, with his second novel Small Worlds, the prodigious Azumah Nelson brings another set of enduring characters to brilliant life in his signature rhythmic, melodic prose.

Set over the course of three summers, Small Worlds follows Stephen, a first-generation Londoner born to Ghanian immigrant parents, brother to Ray, and best friend to Adeline. On the cusp of big life changes, Stephen feels pressured to follow a certain path—a university degree, a move out of home—but when he decides instead to follow his first love, music, his world and family fractures in ways he didn’t foresee. Now Stephen must find a path and peace for himself: a space he can feel beautiful, a space he can feel free.

Moving from London, England to Accra, Ghana and back again, Small Worlds is an exquisite and intimate new novel about the people and places we hold close, from one of the most “elegant, poetic” (CNN) and important voices of a generation.


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Small Worlds (English Edition)


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Thanks to the author, his publisher and netgalley for the earc :)
on 31/5/23

Um dos livros mais lindos e doloridos que eu já li na minha vida, mas tbm um dos mais necessários! eu nem sei como descrever a escrita do Caleb e o quao perfeita ela foi. O livro acompanha o menino Stephen em três fases da sua vida e como a presença da musica é um dos motivos para ele continuar a sonhar a ponto de ela tbm ser o motivo de ele se afastar dos pai e tbm a maneira como ele se reconectam. além de falar sobre o assunto super delicado que é a imagraçao e como eles esta... leia mais


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