Smoke on the Water (Guardians of the Dark Book 3) (English Edition)

Smoke on the Water (Guardians of the Dark Book 3) (English Edition) Bianca D'Arc


Smoke on the Water (Guardians of the Dark Book 3) (English Edition)

An eerie mountain lake will bring them together in scintillating passionor tear them apart. Literally. The most dangerous trail of his career In the misty fog of a lakefront dotted with vacation cabins, zombies are roaming wild - and CIA operative turned zombie hunter, John Petit, must stop the carnage. Hes paired with a fresh-faced recruit brought to the team more for her immunity to the zombie contagion than any particular skill. She never asked for any of this Donna was attacked and lived to tell the tale. One of the rare few who are naturally immune, shes part of the top secret team trying to stop the spread of this alarming technology. She doesnt want to let her partner down - especially in light of the fact that the more theyre together, the more shes attracted to him. A passion they cannot deny Facing danger together only adds fuel to the fire of need between them. Their chemistry is explosive, but will it fizzle in the harsh light of day? Or, can it last past the heat of the moment, once theyve neutralized the deadly threat that endangers all humanity? Praise for Bianca D'Arc Zombies and spies, oh my! - GoodReads reviewer on The Beast Within I love that John can be alpha, but still understand Donna and try to accommodate her. He even admits being wrong! *swoon* - GoodReads reviewer on The Beast Within Definitely love my experience with this ladys books will definitely be reading more... - Late Night Sexy Book Reviews on Smoke on the Water in The Beast Within anthology Read the complete Guardians of the Dark series: 1. Simon Says 2. Once Bitten 3. Smoke on the Water 4. Night Shade 5. Shadow Play

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Smoke on the Water (Guardians of the Dark Book 3) (English Edition)



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