Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work that Makes You Come Alive (English Edition)

Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work that Makes You Come Alive (English Edition) Jonathan Fields


Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work that Makes You Come Alive (English Edition)

Is your life everything you want it to be? If not, why not? Uncover your unique mix of motivation, talent, and drive that, when combined, will pinpoint precisely what you are meant to do and exactly how to get started. Many of us find ourselves chasing society's vision of success. Yet, as the national rate of depression continues to rise, it's clearer than ever that we aren't meant to chase a uniform vision of success. We are meant to chase our own vision of success. And Sparked will help you pinpoint what your unique vision looks like and how to start your journey to achieve it. Jonathan Fields, founder of the Good Life Project, has conducted years of interviews with highly successful leaders in every industry who are doing what they are uniquely meant to do and finding fulfilling success in doing it. In these interviews, he noticed patterns and commonalities along their career paths. Using this information and additional extensive research, he has defined ten distinct Sparketypes: the Maker, the Scientist, the Maven, the Essentialist, the Performer, the Advisor, the Nurturer, the Warrior, the Sage, and the Advocate. Sparked is made up of case studies, stories, and real-world applications, creating the comprehensive Sparketype bible to help people discover what they are meant to do and how to get started. In this book, Jonathan picks up where his highly popular Sparketype test leaves off to help readers: Evaluate the cause and get to the core of their unhappiness in their profession; Determine their Sparketype and Shadow Sparketype to better understand their strengths and preferences; Identify the action steps they need to take to transform their career and life; and Start the process of professional discovery.

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Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work that Makes You Come Alive (English Edition)



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