Split Feather

Split Feather Deborah A. Wolf


Split Feather (Daughter of the Midnight Sun #1)

Taken from her family as a child, abandoned into the foster care system, Siggy J. Aleksov is haunted by memories of abandonment, abuse, and mental health issues. Living in a crappy trailer in Bearpaw, Michigan—alone, just the way she likes it—she is also haunted by a demon.
Siggy sees ghosts and demons, has conversations with beings she knows aren’t really there. She suffers from cluster headaches, coffee addiction, and terminal foul language, and has a hot temper. But then she goes and does something heroic, and screws up her rotten life even further. She steps in to save the life of Bane, a glitter-punk rock star… who turns out to be a very gifted assassin, sent to uncomplicated a lot of lives by killing her.

Bane, in her debt, allows Siggy to escape. She travels to Alaska to seek out her grandfather, and isn’t prepared for the reality of the place—shabby and breathtaking at the same time—or the complicated dance of reunion. Or fish head soup. Or a whirlpool in the river that leads to the Underworld…

In order to learn who—and what—she really is, Siggy descends to the Underworld, where she will:
• Meet the grandmother waiting there for her
• Become a raven
• Trick a witch
…and convince an arch-demon to make her a weapon fit for a hero. She must discover who she is and gain control of the shamanic powers that plague her so that she can become the heroine she is meant to be.

There's a dragon living under San Francisco and threatening to cause earthquakes if his demands aren't met. There’s an older lady from Florida who dates younger men and shape shifts into a cougar, and a witch who knits and crochets hexes into blankets... and then there's Raven.

Fantasia / Ficção

Edições (1)

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Split Feather



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07/07/2017 22:20:28

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