Stay with Me

Stay with Me Alison Gaylin


Stay with Me

In the third installment of the Brenna Spector series, STAY WITH ME, Brenna's entire world is turned upside down as she faces her most deeply personal case yet... the disappearance of her own daughter, Maya. By the end of the book, Brenna's entire outlook on life is changed, and the mystery of her long-lost sister Clea is finally solved -- but at a devastating price.

You can remember everything but still not know the facts -- that's what Brenna Spector learns when, in fast order, she discovers the real circumstances behind her father's "disappearance" -- and finds on her doorstep a bag of 28-year-old clothes, travelers' map, watch and drivers' license... all belonging to her long-gone sister Clea. A mysterious stranger, Alan Dufresne, tells her that the bag had been kept in a secret storage space for years by his truck driver father. But he only learned of it after his father's death. Meanwhile, someone has been exchanging emails with Alan, claiming to be Brenna - someone who knows everything about her life. Is it Morasco, Brenna's daughter... or someone else?

But just as she's close to solving the mystery of Clea's vanishing, Brenna's entire world crumbles. Her daughter, Maya, goes missing after sending a dubious text saying she's with people who love her and she's happy now. In her desperate quest to find her daughter, Brenna puts her conflicted feelings for her ex-husband Jim aside -- along with so many other memory-driven obsessions -- as she throws herself into finding the one person she cannot lose. In the quest to find Maya, Brenna, Jim and his wife Faith, Trent and Morasco find themselves forever changed as they come face to face with senseless violence and horror... ultimately uncovering the mystery of Clea's disappearance as well.

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Stay with Me



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06/12/2013 18:15:34

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