Stone Cold Notes

Stone Cold Notes Julia Wolf


Stone Cold Notes

They called him Stone Cold.

Once upon a time, I called him my pen pal.

When I wrote to Callum Rose five years ago, I never expected a response. He was an up and coming rock star, afterall, and I was just a shy seventeen-year-old. He did write back though, and through hundreds of emails, we became best friends.

Until the day we unknowingly broke each other’s heart.

It’s been three years since our last email. I’m all grown up with a new job at Good Music, and finally have my act together. But then Callum Rose walks in the door, and I’m instantly thrown back to the days when he meant everything to me.

The thing is...he doesn’t know who I am. He’s never seen my face. And this Callum Rose lives up to his stone cold reputation.

That is, until one night, he sees me in another man’s arms, and decides to claim me. Then there is nothing cold about him.

Callum becomes a man on fire for me, introverted, awkward, chubby Wren Anderson. He’s obsessive, possessive, and kind of stalker-y—and I like it...a little too much. The problem is, he still doesn’t know I’m the girl who walked away from him or the reason behind it, and I’m afraid when he finds out, I’ll be right back in the cold again.


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Stone Cold Notes


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Leitura gostosinha
on 27/5/23

Apesar de o livro abordar assuntos pesados e ser um romance meio dark, é uma leitura bem leve. Os livros da Julia Wolf geralmente são assim e uma das coisas que eu mais gosto é o fato de não ter um vilão de fato, mas sim dramas acontecendo e tudo sempre se resolve rápido, o que não torna a leitura enfadonha. Não é uma leitura genial e nem vai mudar a sua vida, mas é bom pra passar o tempo, principalmente de noite porque as cenas quentes são 10/10! ??... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
06/04/2023 22:44:59
editou em:
06/04/2023 22:45:17

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