Such a Fun Age (English Edition)

Such a Fun Age (English Edition) Kiley Reid


Such a Fun Age (English Edition)

Alix Chamberlain is a woman who gets what she wants and has made a living, with her confidence-driven brand, showing other women how to do the same. So she is shocked when her babysitter, Emira Tucker, is confronted while watching the Chamberlains' toddler one night, walking the aisles of their local high-end supermarket. The store's security guard, seeing a young black woman out late with a white child, accuses Emira of kidnapping two-year-old Briar. A small crowd gathers, a bystander films everything, and Emira is furious and humiliated. Alix resolves to make things right.

But Emira herself is aimless, broke, and wary of Alix's desire to help. At twenty-five, she is about to lose her health insurance and has no idea what to do with her life. When the video of Emira unearths someone from Alix's past, both women find themselves on a crash course that will upend everything they think they know about themselves, and each other.

With empathy and piercing social commentary, Such a Fun Age explores the stickiness of transactional relationships, what it means to make someone "family," and the complicated reality of being a grown up. It is a searing debut for our times.

Literatura Estrangeira

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Such a Fun Age (English Edition)


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Extremamente necessário!
on 7/2/23

Esse livro me surpreendeu demais. Adorei como a autora conseguiu criar uma história complexa que retrata muito bem as nossas interações cotidianas, mas ainda assim a manteve clara, direta e o mais importante, não deu margem para dúvida sobre as motivações e intenções deturpadas dos "antagonistas". Aliás, pra mim a melhor parte foi deixar a visão das personagens da Alix e do Kelley em relação a Emira bem expostos desde o começo do livro. Você se questiona das intenções deles já sabendo ... leia mais


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