Sweetest Hate

Sweetest Hate Baylin Crow


Sweetest Hate (Guys Next Door #2)

Kellan-Messing around with Arsen is like playing with fire and I can't help but crave the burn. The day I met my best friend's new stepbrother I fell into hate with the moody jerk. The feeling is mutual. I loathe him and unfortunately want him in equal measures. At least he seems to be suffering the same undeniable pull. He infuriates me. He's crawled under my skin. Arsen has the ability to ruin me for anyone else, and I want to let him. A mix-up during a trip to the lake puts us in an inconvenient situation where we end up sharing a room. Worse, once we get home, I'm left unable to escape him. He's right next door and impossible to ignore. As we spend time together, I'm forced to realize there's so much more to him than I expected. I thought I had feelings for my best friend, but Arsen has me questioning everything I know about love. It's the sweetest hate, or maybe it's something else entirely. Sweetest Hate is the second book in the Guys Next Door series and can be read as a standalone. It's about two guys who may not hate each other as much as they thought. Maybe it's the opposite. Maybe they can teach each other exactly how to love.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Sweetest Hate


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on 16/3/22

Eu gostei, totalmente me apaixonei pelo Arsen e o Kellan é fofo, a relação deles é muito legal, mas eu acho que a autora não desenvolveu bem a parte dos sentimentos e só jogou que eles tavam apaixonados e iam ficar juntos do nada depois de fazer mó aue deles dizendo que não era sério. Não teve nem "eu acho que gosto dele" foi direto pra eles dizendo eu te amo... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
31/12/2021 09:18:05
editou em:
13/07/2022 10:39:40