
Sweethand N.G. Peltier


Sweethand (Island Bites #1)

After a public meltdown over her breakup from her cheating musician boyfriend, Cherisse swore off guys in the music industry, and dating in general for a while, preferring to focus on growing her pastry chef business.

When Cherisse’s younger sister reveals she’s getting married in a few months, Cherisse hopes that will distract her mother enough to quit harassing her about finding a guy, settling down and having kids. But her mother’s matchmaking keeps intensifying.

Cherisse tries to humour her mother, hoping if she feigns interest in the eligible bachelors she keeps tossing her way, she’ll be off the hook, but things don’t quite go as planned. Turns out for the first time in ages, she and Keiran King, the most annoying man ever, are on the island at the same time. Avoiding him is impossible, especially when Keiran’s close friend is the one marrying her sister, and he’s the best man to her maid of honour.

Keiran doesn’t know what to make of Cherisse now. They’ve always butted heads. To him she’s always been a stuck-up brat who seeks attention, even while he secretly harbored a crush on her. Now with Cherisse’s sister marrying one of his good friends he can’t escape her as the wedding activities keep throwing them together.

When things turn heated after a rainy night of bedroom fun, they both have to figure out if they can survive the countdown to wedding day, without this turning into a recipe for disaster.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Resenhas para Sweethand (4)

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on 16/3/23

Uma leitura super gostosa, com um casal que exala química e personagens secundários incríveis. Eu achei a história muito bem estruturada, as cenas fluíram excelentemente, um hotzinho aqui e ali para apimentar um pouco as coisas e pensamentos internos que me fizeram refletir bastante; era exatamente o que eu estava procurando em um romance clichê de enemies to lovers, algo que fizesse com que a minha cabeça relaxasse e aproveitasse cada página.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 23
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ranking 61
ranking 26
ranking 13
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cadastrou em:
28/06/2021 19:07:01
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editou em:
28/06/2021 19:08:06

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