Take Me Home

Take Me Home Carrie Elks


Take Me Home

A grammy-winning rock star falls for a small-town girl in this all-new standalone romance from author Carrie Elks.Gray Hartson is coming home after years of playing to sold-out stadiums around the world. The tattooed singer is determined to build bridges with his sick father and reconnect with the family he left behind. But then he meets her . . . the beautiful waitress with the smart mouth who makes him laugh more than he has in years.One small problem. She's his ex-girlfriend's sister. The only woman he shouldn't want.Maddie Clark was an awkward teenager when Gray left. Now she slings hash in a backwater diner, her dreams of being a famous concert pianist left in tatters.Don't ask her why. She'll never tell. Strong women do what it takes to keep a roof over their heads.Until he walks through the door and complicates everything. Their attraction is wrong. But foolish hearts never listen to reason. Maybe he should write a song about that.Take Me Home is the first book in the Heartbreak Brothers series of emotional standalone romances, set in the small country town of Hartson's Creek.

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O clichê que amamos!
on 18/6/22

Aquele clichê que nos faz suspirar e sonhar acordada. Há muito tempo gostaria de ler os livros da autora, mas poucos foram traduzidos para o português. Começando pela sequência dos Heartbreak brothers (adorei o.nome, btw) me lembrou muito os Maddox Brothers. E que início fofo e apaixonante. Sem grandes dramas, a história se passa bem rápida, nos conectando rapidamente aos personagens. Personagens principais decididos, o que diferencia de outros romances que o casal demora a se conectar... leia mais


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