Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Judy Blume


Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

Passed on from babysitters to their young charges, from big sisters to little brothers, and from parents to children, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and its cousins (Superfudge, Fudge-a-mania, and Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great) have entertained children since they first appeared in the early 1970s. The books follow Peter Hatcher, his little brother Fudgie, baby sister Tootsie, their neighbor Sheila Tubman, various pets, and minor characters through New York City and on treks to suburbs and camps.

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is the first of these entertaining yarns. Peter, because he's the oldest, must deal with Fudgie's disgusting cuteness, his constant meddling with Peter's stuff, and other grave offenses, one of which is almost too much to bear. All these incidents are presented with the unfailing ear and big-hearted humor of the masterful Judy Blume. Though some of her books for older kids have aroused controversy, the Hatcher brothers and their adventures remain above the fray, where they belong. (Peter's in fourth grade, so the book is suitable for kids ages 8 and older.)

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Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing


Resenhas para Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (1)

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Uma história de um menino da 4° série e seu irmão mais novo
on 19/1/22

Esse livro é excelente pra quem quer treinar o inglês. É um livro infantil, então tem uma linguagem mais simples, fora que é super curtinho com letras grandes. Perfeito. Sobre o livro, vi que foi escrito ali em meados de 1972 e isso explica algumas coisas como o pai passar o dia todo fora e não saber de nada dos filhos e nem como lidar com eles, enquanto a mãe passa o dia todo em casa cuidando dos filhos. Bom, isso foi o que notei, mas o foco da historinha é mesmo a vida de Peter um m... leia mais


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