Tasker Tusker Tasker (English Edition)

Tasker Tusker Tasker (English Edition) Bill Reed


Tasker Tusker Tasker (English Edition)

John Tasker is a divided, but enjoined, man. Physically he is running from the law while hunting down his own father, just as his father used to track down the wild tuskers in Sri Lanka. At the same time, mentally, he is tracking down his murderous brothers enemies, imaginably or not, with a deadly efficiency. Adding to his confusion is how his indolent lawyers job in the Attorney-Generals Department has itself suddenly become fraught with danger for his own personal safety. The resultant clash that erupts between his fervently-adopted Australia and his fervently-rejected Sri Lanka isnt helping the mental chaos he is thrown into on an otherwise perfectly-acceptable day. One trouble is his state of being so enjoined. Through his own minds-eye he sees how his own milieu has been drawing him inevitably towards the cliffs edge. Also through his-and-his-brothers minds-eye he sees too much of the terrorizing worldwide Tamil organizations, and from a close-up much too gory. And through his-and-his-fathers minds-eye he sees no good nurture purpose to his existence, except the sighing and dying and the leavings from him. He can see how its all so willfully like his fathers wild snared tuskers endeavouring to escape, trying to drag the lines dragging the antlerd sambhurs skulls through the hopelessly impossible bush. On top of all this, he has the living scaffold of the Sri Lankan Inspector Ekanayake now-and-ever looming over him. The Inspector doesnt care a hoot about any minds-eye or minds-eyes, bloody ****ing hell sorry. He only cares for the hunts conclusion, and how John Tasker should know it. What is the Inspector doing in Canberra and asking so many pointed questions? What might he know about the shadowy and murderous Tasker twin brother with, apparently, the justified alias of Tusker? All John Tasker can now see is how his world and the manic world of his fearsome brother are being forced to converge so suddenly and so bizarrely. This is the first title in the ongoing Inspector Ekanayake series.

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Tasker Tusker Tasker (English Edition)



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