Taste of Vampire

Taste of Vampire D.S. Murphy


Taste of Vampire (Kingdom of Blood and Ash #1)

In a kingdom ruled by ravenous vampires, I was bred to serve and destined to bleed. When I'm chosen by an elite, I'm thrust into a deadly world of courtly intrigue and dark desires. The prince’s icy exterior hides a fierce passion, but will I claim his heart or his crown?

The more I unravel the twisted secrets of the vampire court, the more I realize that for my people to thrive, the king must die... and I'm the only one who can defy him. Can I find my grandfather's secret antidote and use it against the fanged tyrant - or will he kill me before I seal the deal with his immortal son?

But there's more at stake than just my survival, and my feelings for the prince betray my rebel mission. As I weigh my heart against my kingdom, I'm surrounded by a web of lies and deceit, and I can't help but wonder if I'm playing into the hands of those who seek to destroy me.

In a world where loyalty is scarce and trust is deadly, can I defeat the other chosen and win the Trials, a brutal competition with only one champion? Can I trust on the enigmatic prince, who seems to hold the key to my heart? Will he protect his father and throne... or will our love destroy us both?

In this dark fantasy vampire romance, brimming with gothic horror, you'll be transported to a world of vampire kingdoms, where danger, intrigue, and romantic suspense reign supreme. Perfect for fans of Anne Rice and Charlaine Harris, this gripping dystopian fantasy series will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

Distopia / Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Taste of Vampire


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Thirst for Vampire
Throne of Vampires
Tomb of Vampire

Resenhas para Taste of Vampire (1)

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Live together, or die apart
on 1/5/24

Eu peguei esse livro para ler por causa da capa e acabei totalmente presa na leitura. Imagina o nosso mundo como é hoje cheio de problemas e guerras até que um cientista decidi criar uma "cura" para que os humanos pudessem viver por mais tempo sem ficar doente, e acaba transformando as pessoas em vampiros resultando numa guerra apocalíptica entre os humanos. Agora as duas raças convivem juntas, os vampiros na capital e os humanos em setores, e todo ano acontece uma cerimonia em que hum... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
25/11/2023 05:42:38
editou em:
25/11/2023 05:43:05

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