Tell Me It

Tell Me It's Real TJ Klune


Tell Me It's Real (At First Sight #1)

Paul Auster doesn't. Paul doesn't believe in much at all. He’s thirty, slightly overweight, and his best features are his acerbic wit and the color commentary he provides as life passes him by. His closest friends are a two-legged dog named Wheels and a quasibipolar drag queen named Helena Handbasket. He works a dead-end job in a soul-sucking cubicle, and if his grandmother's homophobic parrot insults him one more time, Paul is going to wring its stupid neck.

Enter Vince Taylor.

Vince is everything Paul isn’t: sexy, confident, and dumber than the proverbial box of rocks. And for some reason, Vince pursues Paul relentlessly. Vince must be messing with him, because there is no way Vince could want someone like Paul.

But when Paul hits Vince with his car—in a completely unintentional if-he-died-it'd-only-be-manslaughter kind of way—he's forced to see Vince in a whole new light. The only thing stopping Paul from believing in Vince is himself—and that is one obstacle Paul can’t quite seem to overcome. But when tragedy strikes Vince's family, Paul must put aside any notions he has about himself and stand next to the man who thinks he's perfect the way he is.

Ficção / Humor, Comédia / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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Tell Me It


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Péssimo humor que estraga um bom romance
on 29/10/21

Conhecia o TJ Klune por causa de The House In The Cerulean Sea, que é super elogiado, e aí fiquei curioso quando vi esse romance gay com capa feia (parece um filme da sessão da tarde, algo que meio que me atraiu pro livro kkkk) e queria saber como era. No primeiro capítulo gostei do humor, estava bem engraçado e o protagonista, Paul, estava sendo até legal. Ele não é aquele cara gay padrão, ele é gordo, tem vários problemas de autoestima, tem receio de relacionamentos, e mais coisas. ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 17
ranking 24
ranking 29
ranking 41
ranking 6
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cadastrou em:
23/05/2016 01:16:25
editou em:
01/04/2018 14:41:44

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