Tempting The Titan

Tempting The Titan Fern Fraser


Tempting The Titan (Monster Between The Sheets: Season 2 #13)

A Monster Lite Spicy Romance


The feisty little female I hired to work as a receptionist in my detective agency is proving to be a delectable handful. Celeste is a temptress. She stirs long-forgotten desires with her delicious curves and sassy comebacks. But as tempting as she is, I need to remain professional. Losing myself in her sweetness could unleash the monster slumbering within me, and when he comes out to play, he won’t settle for anything less than possessing Celeste body and soul.

My heart belongs to a 7-foot, growly monosyllabic detective. Atlas lives by strict rules and keeps his distance, but he can’t conceal the fire in his eyes whenever his gaze meets mine. I'm crazy about him, but his fear of revealing his true self makes him a tough case to crack. If my cautious Titan is the prize, I’ll work overtime to make him mine.

Tempting the Titan is a Monster Lite Spicy Romance. Try it if you love a blend of age gap, curvy girl, primal play, voyeuristic thrills, and an irresistibly hot size difference—no cheating, no cliffhangers—pure sizzling satisfaction.

Who says monsters can’t fall in love? In Screaming Woods, anything is possible. Welcome back to the little town turned monstrous by a party potion gone wrong. Your favorite instalove authors are bringing you hairier, scarier, and hornier monsters than ever before in this beastly series coming to your kindle in May 2023.

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Tempting The Titan


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Tentando O Titã
on 13/7/23

A história começou legal, mas depois foi seguindo um rumo que eu não curti muito. Uns plots que surgiram do nada e não foram bem trabalhados, como a gang de motoqueiros. No final do livro diz que o irmão da mocinha ganhará seu próprio livro e imagino que o assunto será abordado lá, mas como o meu interesse era só nessa série aqui, acho que vou ficar sem saber desse desfecho mesmo. No geral, achei bem chatinha essa história.... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
08/06/2023 19:33:20
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
08/06/2023 19:33:32

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