Texas Rebel

Texas Rebel Jean Brashear


Texas Rebel

A former rebellious teen turned billionaires reunion with his teenage sweetheartand a secret baby he never knew about From New York Times bestseller and USAToday bestselling Texas romance author Jean Brashear, the fourth book in the popular Sweetgrass Springs series, the story of the Gallagher heir who disappeared after a tragedy seventeen years ago: Jackson Gallagher's teenage rebellion cost him everything: his home, his family and the girl who could only love him in secret. Seventeen years later, a wildly successful multi-millionaire, he is drawn back to Sweetgrass Springs to confront his past: the father who banished him, the town that turned its back on himand the woman he has never been able to forget. The last person Veronica Butler is ready to see is the man who made her believe theyd be together forever, then vanished and broke her heart. Widowed and struggling to hold onto her children's heritage, she refuses his help but has trouble resisting the way he makes her remember how deeply she once loved himexcept that when he learns the secret she's been keeping all these years, she'll lose him all over again. "Jean Brashear writes with warmth and emotional truth. The depth of her understanding of human nature marks her as a writer to watch." ~Debbie Macomber, #1 New York Times bestselling author "Gifting readers with another emotionally charged romance, Ms. Brashear has a fine knack for commingling full-bodied characters, a fast-moving storyline and just the right measure of passion." ~Romantic Times Bookclub magazine "Jean Brashear has that "it" factor. She is an incredibly talented writer who can hit every note with enough clarity to bring the reader tears, laughter, or just, 'Oh, my, this is an amazing story.' " ~New York Times bestselling author Stella Cameron

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