That Swoony Feeling

That Swoony Feeling Meghan Quinn


That Swoony Feeling (Getting Lucky #4)

USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn brings more humor and heart with the fourth novel of her Getting Lucky series: a story about breaking curses and finally finding that swoony feeling.

I'm single . . . so single it's painful.

Yup, ladies, Brig Knightly--that's me--is still a lonely bachelor, stumbling through the streets of Port Snow, looking for the girl he's supposed to end up with.

That is until my brother, Rogan, presents me with the opportunity of a lifetime. The Summer of Love, a secret pen pal program in Port Snow is looking for applicants and I'm the perfect fit.

I couldn't sign up fast enough.

I found myself quickly falling in love with a pair of red lips at the bottom of a letter. Just like in the movies . . .

Life could not have been better, that was until I started hanging out with Ruth Barber. Starting a new business right next to my shop, I found myself gravitating toward her. Her smile, her humor . . . her tea sandwiches.

My attraction for Ruth came in full force, leaving me dazed, confused, and *ahem* excited.

As new feelings for two women come to a screeching halt, I have to figure out who to choose. But when I discover my pen pal is Ruth, it might be too late.

All I want in life is to experience that swoony feeling . . . but I think I might have just missed my chance.


Edições (1)

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That Swoony Feeling


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Resenhas para That Swoony Feeling (5)

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Mais um livro da MQ pra deixar o coração quentinho ?
on 9/10/20

Entã começo eu achei que a Ruth ia ser aquele tipo de personagem wallflower sabe, tímida demais...mas que supresa a Ruthie foi. Ruthie (o apelido Brigs pra ela) se mostra uma mulher forte, determinada, que tem sim medo de dar aquele passo em direção ao que quer mas ela nunca deixa essa medo a parar. Quanto ao Brigs, ele com certeza foi o meu mocinho preferido da série, extremamente fofo, cuidadoso e apaixonante mas MEU DEUS ele conseguiu tirar minha paciência com a leseira dele ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 22
ranking 27
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ranking 23
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Lucci Argentino
cadastrou em:
19/08/2020 09:20:09
editou em:
10/02/2021 22:46:04

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