The Alien

The Alien's Chase Ella Maven


The Alien's Chase (Outcasts of Corin #6)

A SciFi Alien Romance

I know I have to chase her… but what happens when I catch her?

Neve: I was odd even before the evil aliens kidnapped me and messed with my brain. Now? I’m even more of a weirdo. I never minded being alone until I found a group of friends who accepted me and who never made me feel like an outcast, even if I had never fully told them the truth about myself. They were stolen, and I’d do anything to find them again and keep them safe, even if it means searching this entire planet. Now if I only I can shake this creepy, silent blue alien who’s been hunting me for days.

Relk: This isn’t her territory. It’s mine, and I’ve protected it longer than I can remember. The weather is cold, the food is scarce, and who cares if I’m alone? She’s got enemies following her, and I have to catch her before she causes any more problems. The easiest thing to do would be to end her myself, but some locked recesses of my mind tell me I’m not supposed to kill her… I’m supposed to protect her.

Ficção científica / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Alien


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The Alien
The Alien
The Alien
The Alien

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Indico livro mas não digo que gostei???
on 28/11/23

Todos tendo seus piores e melhores momentos aqui. Acho que o que me cativa nesse livro é que embora meio semelhante com várias outras histórias, ainda sim é sempre diferente e é emocionante ao seu jeitinho. E fala sério, esses machos são perfeitos! Pessoalmente citei esses livros pra alguém que disse que lia qualquer tipo de romance e ela achou surreal que fosse sobre alienígenas azuis.. sério? Como se asas, rabos e metamorfose fosse muito diferente kkkk. Enfim... O conteúdo é o que... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 18
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ranking 56
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ranking 6



cadastrou em:
21/04/2023 21:10:50
editou em:
21/04/2023 21:11:54

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