The Baker and the Wolf

The Baker and the Wolf J.M. Stengl


The Baker and the Wolf (A Villain's Ever After)

A mysterious stranger, an enchantress grandmother, and an overprotective mother. Can Cerise trust any of them?
Cerise DuBois might as well be invisible. Not even her scarlet cloak attracts male interest, and her mother begins to despair of snaring a husband for a boring middle daughter with no magic ability. If not for her baking talents, Cerise would be a hopeless burden on the family.

Or so she believes until a dark man with eyes like gold appears in the family bakery to deliver an invitation from a grandmother she has never met . . . and real trouble begins. What if everything Cerise believes about herself and her family is false?

Unlike other men, the stranger gives Cerise his undivided attention, yet he has a habit of vanishing when she needs him most—for example, when a huge black dog (surely it can’t be a wolf) follows her through the city park.

Worst of all, he claims that if she follows the magical path to her enchantress grandmother’s cottage, her entire world will change. Should Cerise trust this fascinating foreign mage, or will he eat her alive?

The Baker and the Wolf is one of twelve short novels in A VILLAIN’S EVER AFTER, a collection of standalone stories featuring villainous twists on some of your favorite classic fairytales. Read the series in any order for magical adventures . . . and fall in love with villains as you’ve never seen them before. Who said villains can’t have happily-ever-afters?

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Baker and the Wolf


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The Dark King and the Eternal Dance
The Beast and the Enchantress
The Stepsister and the Slipper
The Sultan and the Storyteller

Resenhas para The Baker and the Wolf (2)

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on 13/7/23

Já li outros dessa série e gostei desse também. Uma releitura de Chapeuzinho Vermelho, é um livro curtinho e gostoso de ler. Gostei dos personagens e me apaixonei pelo mocinho (ou nem tão mocinho assim). Não é nada muito grande ou surpreendente, mas no geral foi uma boa leitura, ótima pra sair de uma ressaca literária.... leia mais


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24/07/2022 16:11:51
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24/07/2022 16:12:43

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