The Baldwin Hotel

The Baldwin Hotel Lonnie Busch


The Baldwin Hotel

“Past and future collide in this mind-bending plunge into choices and consequences, when unsuspecting young Theodore Trumball meets his new boss, who not only has a connection to Theodore’s past, but a pivotal role in determining his future!”

During Easter break in 1963, the Trumball family drove from California to Missouri on vacation. They were staying at The Baldwin Hotel in downtown St. Louis near the riverfront when twelve-year old Theodore, while playing in the stairwell of the hotel, glimpsed the future, or changed the past, he would never be sure. The inexplicable time-shift allowed him to save his best friend’s life… but it meant taking another boy’s life in the process. The murder left Theodore grief-stricken and inconsolable. Unable to explain the bizarre events to anyone, Theodore slipped deeper into despair until his parents felt they had no other recourse than to take the doctor’s prescription for young Theodore—submit him to a series of shock treatments.

It’s 1979 and Theodore has his life on track, especially when he lands an interview for a job designing video games. His dream seems to be coming true until he arrives at DreamCo, the up and coming arcade video game company. Theodore can’t believe what he’s seeing at the entrance to the refurbished nine-story brick building—a set of revolving doors he recognizes at once; they’re from The Baldwin Hotel in St. Louis, which had burned to the ground a decade earlier.

Theodore wants only to leave the past behind, but what he gets is the president of DreamCo, Frank Cantwell; a corporate gladiator with an insatiable appetite for the paranormal, and an uncanny connection to Theodore’s troubled past.

Ficção / Suspense e Mistério

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The Baldwin Hotel


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on 19/1/23

Primeiramente, gostaria de agradecer à NetGalley, à BooksGoSocial e ao autor, Lonnie Busch, por cederem uma cópia digital deste título em troca de uma resenha honesta. De imediato, não sabia exatamente o que esperar desse livro. A promessa de uma história misteriosa sobre realidades alternativas, passados ou presentes alterados e um protagonista que me parecia pouco confiável me mantiveram instigada, mas cautelosa pela pouca experiência que tenho com literatura de ficção científica ... leia mais


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03/01/2023 12:51:41
editou em:
03/01/2023 12:52:01

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